Agama & Tuhan social

Happy F(e)asting!

Astaga, saya sama sekali ndak ngerasa kalau sudah masuk Ramadhan lagi. Sumpah, setahun ini terasa begitu cepat. Yah, mungkin efek dari 4 bulan menjadi sampah masyarakat itu :D.

Ya sudah, saya cuma mau mengucapkan:
Selamat berpuasa,
Selamat makan yang enak-enak,
Selamat berburu diskon,
Selamat memakai baju yang bagus-bagus,
Selamat berleha-leha di tempat kerja,
Selamat menikmati tunjangan hari raya,
Selamat bermalas-malasan dan bermanja-manja,

Happy f(e)asting, everybody!!

36 replies on “Happy F(e)asting!”

Salam kenal, trimakasih atas theme facebookny. Saya mau tanya, pada blog saya(pke theme dr mas nazieb) pada akhir postingan kan ada view all comments, koq d tmpt saya ga bs. Selain itu juga ga bs d pasang plugin WordPress thread comment. Mohon bantuan.


Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah Puasa ku Disertai Dengan Syukur Dan Penerima Di Atas Jalan Keridhoan-Mu Dan Keridhoan Rasul. Cabang-Cabangnya Kokoh Dan Kuat Berkat Pokok-Pokoknya, Demi Kenabian Mohammad Dan Keluarganya Yang Suci, Dan Segala Puji Bagi Allah Tuhan Sekalian

Like the same feeling (not love).anyway, lerianng to love properly is a challenge for every human being. in the very first place, love, itself, is every human being’s destiny (supposedly).kuya yoshke, aja!


The most common reasons to jailbreak an iPhone 3 G &#1072r&#1077 to gain access to third party apps for free without using the iTunes App Store, video camera features, e&#1093tensive personal customization &#1072nd using the iPhone as a modem for laptops, but there are other features available that make it worth performing a jailbreak on an iPhone. The biggest advantage of j&#1072ilbr&#1077&#1072king an Apple iPhone is gaining access to the following features. Open SSHis a handy tool for copying files to and from your iPhone.


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