
Adbrite Makes Firefox Crashed?

Some days ago, I’ve just joined with AdBrite to get some bucks from internet. After the script was installed, suddenly my Firefox Portable crashed and needs to be closed when I accessed this blog homepage. Sigh, at the moment, I didn’t realize that the cause is the AdBrite script. But after it crashed several times, I started suspecting it.

Recently I get more facts for my idea about that script. When I accessed another blog,, which also has AdBrite script installed, the browser crashed again. Oh my..

Because of that, I didn’t use my Firefox Portable, which is using original Firefox version 3.0.1, to access those blogs. I had to go back to my old habit for using Flock 1.2.5, which is using Firefox

I’ve tried to Google about that, but I don’t find any similar case. So I try to find it by myself. Hmm, after some “experiments” I found that one of the add-ons, AVG Safe Search 8.0, is the problem. It’s not installed on my Portable FF, but on the original Firefox on the PC I use for working.

After the add-on is disabled and the browser restarted, it never crashed again. But err… I found this problem only occurs on my PC. Why? I don’t know… 😀

14 replies on “Adbrite Makes Firefox Crashed?”

@ario: awalnya saya pikir juga begitu, tapi entah kenapa, setiap mengakses kedua blog tersebut, yang satu-satunya persamaannya adalah ada adbrite-nya, firefox dengan add-on AVG selalu crash. Setelah add-on AVG-nya saya disable, baru kedua blog tersebut dapat diakses.


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