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Just Block It!!

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26 replies on “Just Block It!!”

huahaha… kritik sosial yang bagus..!!

eniwei,, denger2 FS,, yahoo,, google,, ym,, bisa2 diblok pemerintah juga yak..? coz di dalemnya bisa dimanfaatin buat urusan esek2.. lah,, trus piye dung..? jangan2 blog besok2 juga bakalan diblok dengan alasan yang ndak masuk akal..?!? huh…

KIP!’s last blog post..belajar di angkringan..? hyuk..!!


Nov08danicanne I LOVE ALDO! I bought my curnret favorite purse at ALDO on the Miracle Mile in Chicago this summer. Awesome. And I actually love suede. I’ll check em out. Gracias!


Euge | May 12, 2010 at 7:41 pm | Ok step in the right direction, but how hard is this going to be for us UI deisgners/developers?For instance how many people are still having issues writing css that all browsers can read without having to hack it up a bit. IE, 6 -7 ring alarm bells! Hell talk about throw things back a few years. I know these browsers wont live for ever but there are still people still using these redundant old browsers, half the reason why flash was introduced in the first place – runs on all browses and platforms universally.The turn around time for open standards such as html 5 is too slow, and not everyone adopts them the same. At the current rate it’ll be another 10 years before its up to speed with flash, by that time we would have moved on.Things need to speed up before we can start using it properly. If you guys are that serious about it then make it work, create tools and flash equivalent applications that help deisgners use html5 in all its glory.


hey there I just wanted to conmmet your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! Keep it up and I’ll be back to read more soon mate


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