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Remember My Name!!

Ah, jadi inget kalo ketiban Pe Er dari mbak Ani, padahal minta mangga malah dikasih Pe Er :-<
Ah, sutralah.. Dikerjain aja..

Here is the instruction:
This one is easy. All you have to do is spell your name using the letters and their corresponding meanings.

Pake nama panggung pendek yang jadi nickname sekarang ajah ya, yaitu: NAZIEB B-)

N: Sexy :->
A: Gorgeous apaan neh? sodaranya George W. Bush? :-/
Z: Lives life for fun Hell Yeah!!! m/
I: Loves to laugh πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ ;)) :)) =))
E: deeply in love with his gf ;)) Hunny, dengerin tuh.. :*
B: Loves people Luv U everybuddy >:D<

Name Meaning Here:
A: Gorgeous
B: Loves people
C: Really easy to fall in love with
D: Is great in bed
E: deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
F: People wild and crazy adore you
G: Never let people tell you what to do
H:FreakinÒ€ℒ beautiful eyes
I: Loves to laugh
J: Makes people laugh
K: Really silly
M: Makes dating fun
N: Sexy
O: Has one of the best personalities ever
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Good bf/gf
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great kisser
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: Loved by everyone
Z: Lives life for fun

Ah, padahal saya kan cocoknya sama yang T & D πŸ˜€

Oh ya, buat Mbak Ani, Pe Er-nya uda Bu Guru, sekarang mangga-nya mana >:)

23 replies on “Remember My Name!!”

@extremusmilitis: :-j balas dendam neh ceritanya?
@Annie: jangan mesam-mesem, ntar dikira 8-}
@ridu: yah, ini kan just a joke buddy, ndak aseli kok
@Eucalyptus: πŸ˜€ kecuali George W. Bush itu mbak.. πŸ˜›


Wuaaaa…beneran nih yang T & D cocok ? hi..hi..hi… Thanks yach…bikin pe-er juga akhirnya dikau. Naaah, mangganya sekarang silakan diambil ya ke Batam, ongkos sendiri lho ya ! πŸ™‚


C: Really easy to fall in love with —> ah, enggak tuh!

H:FreakinÒ€ℒ beautiful eyes —> hell yeah!! 😈

I: Loves to laugh —> πŸ˜†

K: Really silly —> totally wrong!

A: Gorgeous —> yeah! I am! 8)


komen sekali lagi pake icon yang bener…

C: Really easy to fall in love with Ò€”> ah, enggak tuh!

H:FreakinÒ€ℒ beautiful eyes Ò€”> hell yeah!! >:)

I: Loves to laugh Ò€”> :))

K: Really silly Ò€”> totally wrong!

A: Gorgeous Ò€”> yeah! I am! B-)


@Mardies: πŸ˜€ saya cuma ngerjain tugas dari bu Guru
@Om Gun: πŸ˜• kayaknya bner tuh..
@bu Guru Ani: hayah… ternyata… habis Pe Er Mangga gak jadi terbit 😦
@adit: ah, pamer :-:)
@almascatie: monggo di-translate sendiri
@Juminten: apa yahhhh ;;)
@campluk: /:)


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